Must-Watch Youtube Channels

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Hi and Assalamualaikum my dear readers!

I would like to share three must-watch youtube channels. I personally really like to watch these three youtube channels:

1. English with Lucy

I always want to improve my English and English with Lucy has really helped me so far. This youtube channel not only focused on learning the English language. But, there are also some tips provided to become more confident in speaking English and studying.

2. Beauty Within

I learned a lot about beauty from this youtube channel. There is a lot of information about skincare and wellness in this channel. I like to watch Beauty Within because they always explain in detail the topic chosen. You will be taught about beauty with some facts and sciences.


Now, this is the youtube channel that I watch if I want to laugh. I found this JOLLY when reading about it on someone's blog. I couldn't remember whose blog. HMU if you're here! Thank you so much for recommending it. My favourite video is when they were in Wellington, New Zealand, searching for the best coffee or they called it Queen Elizabeth. Check that out: Drinking 7 Cups of Coffee in 1 hour. (Seriously don't try this).

- Ollie Kendal

That's all for today. Bye! :)


  1. i would check those channels later ! thank you for the recommendation

  2. hi...that is some interesting channel to watch...

    just wondering,why i can only look at half of your blog,and half with your chocolate header.i can't see the your blog at it my wifi problem,,or something wrong here? just asking..heheh

    1. Hmmm saya tengok okay je huhu
      Btw, terima kasih bgtahu 😊

  3. I enjoyed watching jolly and gabie kook

  4. Nice recommendations, would love to check out these later


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