To The Beautiful You

Photo by Ananthu Selvam on Unsplash

Hi and Assalamualaikum my dear readers! 

How was your Ramadan? I hope that we are all gaining something in this blessed month. Today, I want to get into a personal post. I thought about this so many times. Whether I should post about it or not. But, it seems like this issue still happening in our society and I really, really want to get rid of this mentality.

So, have you ever been treated unfairly or neglected by some people because of your appearance? Not because of your own extremely gorgeous appearance. But, because you haven't achieved those people's standards of beauty. Don't worry. I had. 

I remember vividly when I was being removed from the front row of a performance just because my skin was not as fair as the other people and because I am not that 'cute'. The worst thing about it is that it happened when I was a kid.

So, I started to know and realised about the ridiculous standard of beauty at that time. Beautiful people are typically treated better by others. I couldn't deny this statement. It is true indeed. Those people are blessed. They achieved the standard of beauty set by I don't know who was it. Keep taking care of yourself. You are beautiful! <3

But, the way that some people always treat other people based on their appearances is so sickening. That is so bad for someone's self-esteem. Including me.

And here's a thing. I believe that we have been judged badly and sometimes, we did get a compliment for our appearances from a really nice person who knows the value of each and every human being. And, I also realise that we're actually getting accepted by some sort of society and yeah, maybe have been thrown away by some society.

At the end of the day, this is it. This is the best of us. Who are we to set which one is the best skin colour, the best facial structure, the best body shape and all of those not applicable standards. 

Wake up! Every second of your life should be the best of you. The best you could do to treat yourself and others. We're all beautiful inside out. Remember that.

That's all for today. Bye! :)


  1. I totally feel you. I was super sad but as I learned to accept me for who I am.
    Those kind of things, doesn't bother me anymore.

  2. SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! menarikla :) done follow, follow me back.. thanks

    1. Selamat Hari Raya juga! Done follow :)

  3. Love ourself! :) Done follow! Followback ya kalau sudi heheh :)


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